Saturday, February 14, 2015

Yet another Valentine-Being Single

So its an occasion of  love where Love is in the Air. Everyone wishing their partners or their buddies Happy Valentines. I can also count myself among these people because this is yet another Valentines for me being Single. Usually being being single does not affect us(We singles) much. But all the talks about Love & Commitment makes us feel uncomfortable. It bounds us to introspect, does the scenes of love really exist in our drama of life. Or we lack in some kind of trait that committed boys possess. Or the foremost important point- Are we quite far away from TIME PASS RELATIONSHIP which most of the couples are indulged in. We people can take this on a positive note,respecting our values.
All we can wish is if space of love actually exist in our life that comes out to  be true one which survives on the virtue of Trust. Wishing a Very Happy Valentines to all Singles :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

This is my first blog. I usually think a lot. Sometimes I feel an urge to pen down my feelings on a piece of paper or in my diary. But as I know how lazy kind of person I am, so its quite hard for me to do the same. But somehow I came to know in my mind that their is also an Blog kind of thing on Google where anyone can share their feelings or any kind of knowledge they possess. So today I also tried my hand on this. And lets see how handy this comes out to be. I think its enough for today. Would to like to use it as much as I can.